
I have created some example python scripts to demonstrate various use-cases. These include extension setup as well as making test HTTP calls with python’s requests module.

  • run_script.py: Execute a script on a succesful POST request to an endpoint.

  • basic.py: Map a base command to an endpoint and pass dynamic arguments to it. Can also pass in a timeout.

  • multiple_files.py: Upload multiple files for a single command.

  • with_callback.py: Define a callback function that executes on command/process completion.

  • with_signals.py: Using Flask Signals as callback function.

  • with_decorators.py: Shows how to apply View Decorators to the exposed endpoint. Useful in case you wish to apply authentication, caching, etc. to the endpoint.

  • custom_save_fn.py: There may be cases where the process doesn’t print result to standard output but to a file/database. This example shows how to pass additional context to the callback function, intercept the future object after completion and update it’s result attribute before it’s ready to be consumed.

  • deletion.py: Example demonstrating how to request cancellation/deletion of an already running job.